Syria was administered by the French until independence in 1946. In the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, Syria lost the Golan Heights to neighbouring Israel, over which negotiations continue to this day.
Syria has witnessed much violence as a result of popular uprisings and protests following the wave of unrest sweeping through the Middle East in 2011. Opposition parties to President Bashar Al-Asad’s National Progressive Front are currently not recognised. It is an authoritarian government, and Syria’s constitution, Article 8, allows it to intervene at will in state institutions of all natures. Legislation follows Shari’a law.
Social Issues
There are over a million Iraqi refugees currently living in Syria, which has strained Syria’s public services and caused security concerns along the border. Syria’s human rights record is generally considered poor, with those who criticize the government at risk of arrest, unfair trial and imprisonment, being banned from travelling abroad and from working in the public sector.
The Way TV Viewership
Precise audience figures are not available. However, The Way TV’s Audience Relations staff report regular messages from viewers in Syria.
Syria’s population is 74% Sunni Muslim, with 16% practising other sects of Islam, and a 10% Christian minority. 1. Although there is no state religion, the constitution stipulates that the President must be Muslim. Until recently Christians living in Syria have claimed that they are largely tolerated by the government and allowed to worship freely, but discreetly.
Prayer Points
Pray for continued protection and tolerance of Christians in Syria.
Pray for an end to the violence and civil unrest, as well as a compromise that satisfies both the people and the government.
“Many thanks for your good programmes and your huge efforts to reach the entire Arab world with the Word of God in Arabic, which we badly need. Because I trust The Way TV’s ministry, I dare to quote what Jesus said: “You are the light of the world” and to add that The Way TV is God’s voice to us today and reflects His will. We love you and pray for you.“ A male viewer in Syria