Please send this letter to President Obama, Hillary Clinton, your senator and congressman … here’s the letter to send … and the addresses to send to … letter follows
Dear, (Mrs. Secretary of State, or President or Senator or Congressman – see addresses below)
As a faithful American I am extremely disappointed that the Obama administration is taking no action regarding the millions of human rights violations presently taking place in Egypt. Copts (Christians) are being attacked in the streets, in their very homes, and even in their places of sanctuary - Copt churches. This is happening every hour, and U.S. authorities (CIA, DHS, STATE, DOD, OTHERS) are all aware of these instances of thousands of rapes, physical and sexual mutilations, thefts, beatings, burnings, and murders.
The Obama administration is basically mute in the face of these ongoing atrocities and horrors, not even offering safe haven refuge or any form of assistance or salvation for the multitudes of growing victims.
Please, oh please, in the name of God, do whatever you can to provide relief to your most faithful supporters in Egypt.
Signed, with your name
E Mail to:
Mail to: U.S. Department of State, 2201 C Street NW, Washington, DC 20520
Addresses President: The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500 e mail at …
Senator at
Congressman or Senator located at: